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Setting great financial goals as a college student – a guide

There is a difference between financial dreams and financial goals for college students. Research has shown that setting S.M.A.R.T. goals increases the chances you achieve them. SMART stands for specific + measurable + achievable + realistic + time-based. Before we talk about the SMART method of goal setting, we need to talk about how different […]

Setting great financial goals as a college student – a guide Read More »

Why do you need a family budget?

Through budgeting, family members agree on a plan for income, expenses, and savings. The family budget is important for everyone to only spend money within the plan’s limits. This prevents overspending and keeps family finances balanced. One important attribute of a good family budget is transparency. Communicating income levels and spending budgets as well as

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The 11+ essential personal budget categories to consider

In this article, I want to present you here with a comprehensive list of personal budget categories. I will discuss what each category should include and what it shouldn’t, as well as highlight the why. However, this is not a template you should blindly follow. Instead, you should select the categories that fit your financial

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What does financial independence mean to you personally?

In the current “financial independence retire early (FIRE)” movement, many people discuss only the ability to retire early. It seems to be the only benefit to leave your 9-5 job behind. However, when you are at the beginning of your journey to financial independence this goal seems so far away. It is discouraging to even

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The smart investment portfolio for long-term growth

In “Four steps to financial independence” I have demonstrated why investing is a crucial part of building wealth. However, investing involves risks that can jeopardize the return on investment and even the principal of the money invested. The higher the risk, the is higher is the expected return. Smart strategies can maximize the long-term growth

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The secret foundation of accumulating wealth

In the Victorian age, wealth was inherited and living expenses were adjusted to the returns that the wealth produced. Accumulating wealth was largely political through carrying favors with the king who had the power to grant titles and land that produced the return. Further of importance was building relations through marriage and diplomatic efforts. In

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4 Powerful Steps on the Road to Financial Independence

Personally, I want to live a life of financial independence, with the ability to make changes without fear of the financial consequences. Two out of three American’s live paycheck to paycheck. It would be “Somewhat difficult” or “Very difficult” to meet current financial obligations if their next paycheck were delayed for a week, according to

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You don’t need to be an investment expert

Building wealth requires investments into the business, mostly other people’s businesses. Contrary to many investment experts’ advice you don’t need to become an expert in asset allocation, portfolio balancing, or stock picking to build wealth. The true meaning of investment Investing money means you take your savings and buy something that appreciates and or is

You don’t need to be an investment expert Read More »