SPF » Financial Goals

Financial Goals

Why do you care about money? Most likely you have goals in life that you can achieve with money, or at least some money helps with the achievement.

Most people aspire to a safe and comfortable life. Money is the grease that makes the wheels run smoothly.

We all expect to retire from earning an income from active involvement, such as a job or a business. Still we’d like to have some passive income so we can live comfortably in retirement.

Along the way there are many financial goals that we want to achieve, such as financial independence from employment, a car, a dream vacation, a family home or a summer cottage.

All financial goals have one thing in common. They exceed the amount we can freely spend in a single month. That means we have to save money in order to achieve such goal.

Setting great financial goals as a college student – a guide

There is a difference between financial dreams and financial goals for college students. Research has shown that setting S.M.A.R.T. goals increases the chances you achieve them. SMART stands for specific + measurable + achievable + realistic + time-based. Before we talk about the SMART method of goal setting, we need to talk about how different […]

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What does financial independence mean to you personally?

In the current “financial independence retire early (FIRE)” movement, many people discuss only the ability to retire early. It seems to be the only benefit to leave your 9-5 job behind. However, when you are at the beginning of your journey to financial independence this goal seems so far away. It is discouraging to even

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4 Powerful Steps on the Road to Financial Independence

Personally, I want to live a life of financial independence, with the ability to make changes without fear of the financial consequences. Two out of three American’s live paycheck to paycheck. It would be “Somewhat difficult” or “Very difficult” to meet current financial obligations if their next paycheck were delayed for a week, according to

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